5 Reasons You Need Dame in Your Life

After our inaugural new-members mixer Send Noobs this past Friday, NSFW has rounded up five reasons to love on one of our sponsors: Dame Products. From their badass female founders, to their game changing products, find below a primer on why there’s nothing like a good dame.


1. Minds the Gap

Dame Products was founded by Janet Lieberman and Alexandra Fine in an effort to close the orgasm gap (a term highlighting the fact that men are far more likely to orgasm during penetrative sex then women). Their most popular product, Eva, is the world's first couples vibrator to feature little attachments that fit inside the vagina, leaving hands free during intercourse. A review on the site reads it "brings joy and fun back into any position. Even when I am pleasuring him, I can wear it and do two things at once!”

2. By Women for Women

It should come as no surprise that being founded and head by women, Dame Products boasts a deeper understanding of the female anatomy then many competitors. With a sleek and fitted body designed to hit all the right spots while still leaving room for play, Eva and Eva II put her pleasure first. Another happy reviewer states "I love it. For anything I want to do, it makes it better. You can tell the developers had a real vagina in mind."


3. Tech Forward

Aside from it's groundbreaking design, Dame Products employs a lot of technology never before used in the sex toy industry. From it's 3D printed prototypes, to using social media platform IndieGoGo for fundraising (the first sex toy brand to do so), Dame products treats its creations as more then a common vibrator. As Lieberman explained in this article from Bustle: “Consumer product design and development is where my heart is. As a sex toy user, I realized that the products I had weren’t made to the same standards that I felt like other consumer electronics were..good engineering is all about optimization…no more bells and whistles than you need.”

4. The Right Dames for the Job

Lieberman and Fine's expertise in the industry goes beyond their unique understanding of a women's needs. With Lieberman's engineering know-how and Fine's research savvy and background in psychology, the duo was poised for success from the start. Take their websites mission statement: "Dame Products was founded by smart women with the purpose of making phenomenal sex toys. Our continuing mission: to design well-engineered sex toys, to heighten intimacy, and to openly empower the sexual experiences of womankind."


5. You Can't Argue With Results

At the end of the day, the reviews speak for themselves. Funny, heartwarming, or just straight truth-bombs, these verified reviews offer all the info you need:

"Eva II is an amazing addition to an already great sex life. Another way of making intimacy what it should be..fun, sexy, close, and full of amazing pleasure."

“Makes intercourse much more appealing to me since I know I'll feel just as good as he will.”

“After years of fumbling around looking for the right thing, we've found it!”