How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep in Someone Else’s Bed


This Vice article by Katie Way breaks down a few tips and tricks for getting some good sleep in your lovers bed. Find an excerpt below, then the full piece here:

“Hooking up with someone new is always an exercise in the unknown, but ideally in a positive way; the same cannot be said for the aftermath. Sometimes, though, spending the night at someone else’s place is unavoidable. Maybe you’re looking to give the whole “intimacy” thing a whirl, or maybe you just fell asleep by mistake. Now it’s 2 a.m. on a Wednesday, a virtual stranger is snoring blissfully beside you and you’re sweating under their comforter, praying that there’s a cat hiding somewhere to explain why exactly everything is covered in hair. Even a normally good sleeper, under these harrowing circumstances, might be thrown for a loop.”